In My Life Line, you will be assisted in recording your lifeline in this dedicated, but easy to use Life Line template.
The Life Line will assist you in organizing important documents, pictures and events in your life and share them with family and friends.
My Life Line Template
The downloadable LifeLine Template below is a PowerPoint file that can be used on most PCs and Laptops.
In the template you can include scanned documents & pictures (scan using the scan picture function); photos from major life events; your favourite music, films and books over time; and writings. If you need to include additional information, you can use the PowerPoint copy and paste function with respect to the relevant slides based on your needs. It is not advisable to attach the actual music, films, books and writings in the template, since the file will then increase in size and be less manageable. You can however insert hyperlinks to your computer or the internet, where the music, pictures, videos, films, documents and books are located.
You can share your LifeLine with family and friends and let them add information and pictures to your LifeLine.